It's Just Pizza!

Because complaining to your coworkers just isn't enough. A server's tales of all the laughs, cries, frustrations, and weirdos that walk into a small town pizza place.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mmm Pizza...

Well this post isn't exactly a story about my crazy adventures at work, rather it's more about me and my love for pizza. You'd think after eating all the free pizza I want(while clocked in) I would get sick of it. Where there are times that I do, and I pass up a nice slice of pepperoni and pineapple, a majority of the time I'm craving it. In and out of work. I mean our pizza is the best pizza you can find around these parts, so who can blame me? Well unfortunately this love hate relationship with pizza has given me... well lets just say "curves." And I am not happy about that. So this week started my stance on becoming a healthier me. Yikes! This is going to be extremely difficult seeing how I have zero self control when it comes to anything sweet, salty, buttered, and fried. But it's something I've got to do. I've always had a really fast metabolism and have been blessed in that area, but I know that wont last forever. Therefore I am on a journey to become a more positive, joy-filled, and healthier person. I am going to start running again (I ran cross country for seven years in middle and high not so much), and I'm going to cut back on sugar, fried foods, and white bread. This isn't a diet, just trying to make healthy choices until I am satisfied with how things are going and have gained some self control. So goodbye my sweet sweet Dr. Pepper and pepperoni pizza, hello hydration and fruits and veggies. Wish me luck!

Oh and of course last night I had a dream about breaking my rules and enjoying myself a slice of pizza and a Coke. I think this is going to be harder than I thought. Oh pizza I will miss you so.

Here's to a happy heart and healthy body, with a refreshed attitude and positive mindset :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

here's one for the books

Ok, I've got a good one for ya. And this is such a great way to get this blog going.

Earlier this week, I went into work with a smile on my face, a new tshirt that I absolutely love, and refreshed attitude from having four days off to go be in a wedding in the beautiful North Georgia mountains. I'm serving up some oven fresh pizza, and lots of wings, on this relatively calm night, when I go to clear off my table I pick up the credit card receipts and find a little note written on the back of one of them. I kid you not, it read, "Don't charge for kids drinks, you'll make much more in tips!" It was accompanied with a $5 tip on a $50 tab. I was shaking I was so upset. I think this was the most outrageous thing I've come across my four years there. So these three "kids" drinks were actually in our 16oz. to-go cups(the same cups we give any adult for a to-go drink) because they were all old enough for a bigger cup. We give free refills by the way. They were empty when I picked them up. The parents had a beer and a glass of wine, I checked on them numerous times. Offered to get them anything they needed, and they never wanted anything. Just a box and the check. I am still mesmerized by this. Where in this country can you walk in and ask for a 16oz. drink and expect it to be free? I say next time, order water for you overly hyper, screaming kids or leave them at home if you don't want to spend that much money. I work hard for my money, and I know my service was not the issue here. So please, don't tell me to steal from my boss in order to receive a better tip. I have more integrity than that.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Are Y'all Doing Today?

Hi! I'm Sarah and I have spent the past four years of my college life working at a small town, family owned, pizza place. This eclectic, loud, and busy pizza joint has been both a blessing and burden on my life...and feet...not shoulders. The blessing started on July 1st, 2006, in the heart of the busy summer. I had no idea how this job would impact my life, but boy has it. Not only have I been blessed and fortunate enough to pay my way through college on tips alone, but I have met and befriended some of the most unique, and lovable people anyone could ask for. This place(the name will remain unsaid for security purposes) has been the basis for a lot of stress, laughter, frustration, joy, rage, personal strength, heartache, and love. Even though "it's just pizza," you wouldn't believe the craziness this staff endures. I decided to start this blog as a way to share some of those crazy stories and vent my frustrations. Stories about terrible tips from that day, the 80s songs that the some of the staff randomly breaks out in chorus to, and the extremely weird, the unbearably rude, the totally awesome, and the down right, "ugh, I hate that guy, you take him" customers. Because sometimes complaining to your coworkers just isn't enough.

I don't know how much longer I'll be working here, as I near graduation next spring, it may be one year or five(but let's hope I find a job in my major, Photography) regardless, I will always be thankful for this job, and for the second family that I have acquired over the years. I love you guys, and you know who you are :)